I love being above the clouds. I like looking down to a map of roads and changing scenery; where cities become flecks of light, farms quilt the earth, and the darkest storm clouds compose the most beautiful masterpieces in the sky. My job, worries, and insecurities seem so small from up here. They dissipate in the overwhelming beauty of the world below me.
I love giving up control when I fly; I can sit back, relax, observe, and listen. Its why I love to travel and thirst for adventure.
Today I am flying to Charleston, South Carolina to visit my dad and stepmom. I will spend three days here visiting friends and family until I'm off to Charlotte, where I will help my brother and sister-in-law pack up and move across the country to Denver! It's about to be one heck of an adventure :) Stay tuned for updates of our travels, and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!